Principals of ProAct Safety and best-selling authors Shawn M. Galloway (above, left) and Terry L. Mathis (above, right) announce their newly-released audiobook, Lean Behavior-Based Safety: BBS for Today's Realities.

Lean Behavior-Based Safety is an updated model to traditional BBS, introduced in 2001 with a focus on providing new value with more efficient, safer work. Lean BBS® addresses the four major issues found within the average BBS process. “While several versions of BBS have been around since the 1980s, few of them have truly adapted to the changing environment in which they must operate,” says Mathis. “Making BBS fit your culture, operations and logistical realities, rather than trying to make your company fit some idealistic model, is key to success in today’s realities.”

“I think this is the most useful BBS resource I have ever seen. The way the book gives perspective really makes the subject matter easier to understand. I think this will be doubly true for companies with no BBS culture at all who are struggling to get a grasp on the subject,” said Hutton Andrew, Corporate HSE Coordinator for Southwestern Energy. “The most succinct explanation of behavior based safety I have ever read.”

To download the introduction or order Lean Behavior-Based Safety: BBS for Today’s Realities, visit

About the authors 

Shawn Galloway and Terry Mathis lead the global safety consultancy, ProAct Safety. They are recognized as tier-one keynote speakers and thought leaders throughout the industry. Their work with the best of the best in safety has led to recognition in the National Safety Council's Top 40 Rising Stars, EHS Today Magazine's 50 People Who Most Influenced EHS, and ISHN Magazine's POWER 101 - Leaders of the EHS World.

About ProAct Safety 

ProAct Safety is a global safety culture excellence consultancy. The company has completed more than 2,000 successful safety strategy, leadership, culture and behavior-based safety projects in nearly every major industry worldwide, including Fortune 500 firms. Learn more at