It has revolutionised everything from transport to political campaigning, now big data is promising to make an impact in EHS with the beta launch of Logical Lock by tech startup Logical Safety.

Speaking to ISHN from their offices near Lisbon, CEO Carina Santos told us; “With the launch of Logical Lock we are making advanced data analytics and innovative technologies accessible to the entire HSE sector, not just the companies with the biggest budgets.”

Developed with companies in the heavy industry, Logical Lock combines data science, wearable tech and a mobile application to predict accident risk and automatically intervene before an emergency can happen. The team state the solution has proved to reduce incidents and boost worker productivity.

“In developing Logical Lock with companies in the cement industry we have been able to reduce reported incidents by 92%. That translates to fewer lost days of work and less time wasted on tasks.” said Carina.

Equipped with an analytics dashboard and automated reporting the solution allows practitioners to simply explore complex data easily in order to better inform best practices, boost productivity and cut costs.

“We have cases of companies using Logical Lock to renegotiate their insurance policies, reducing spend ten fold. With a reduction in incidents and rigorous data to prove it, it was in the interest of both companies to come to an agreement.” said Carina

A “data driven” safety solution, Logical Lock’s key to gaining detailed insight is the “Life & Fall tracker”. A wearable data monitor that tracks health, activity and spatial information from a worker’s hip. Reporting on worker condition in real-time, it is able to detect falls and prevent vehicle and machinery collisions.

It is an example of what they team call “proactive protection”; technology able to intervene before an emergency can occur. The team says its what drives innovation at the company.

“With the correct data you can understand the systemic causes of hazards. But with complex data you can begin to predict the risk and intervene before an emergency occurs. ” said head of development Nelson Matias.

Logical Lock launches limited batch releases for Beta testing on 03/03/2018. For more information and to preorder visit