Start planning now. The 2018 National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls will be held May 7-11.

The Safety Stand-Down is a voluntary event for employers to talk directly to employees about safety. Employers are encouraged to take a break during the event and focus on fall hazards and and fall prevention.

What's it about?

“It's an opportunity for employers to have a conversation with employees about hazards, protective methods, and the company's safety policies and goals,” according to OSHA. Some companies use the event for training or fall protection demonstrations or to conduct safety equipment inspections and develop rescue plans.

It can also be an opportunity for employees to talk to management about fall hazards they see in the workplace.

Fatalities caused by falls from elevation continue to be a leading cause of death for construction employees, accounting for 350 of the 937 construction fatalities recorded in 2015 (BLS data). Those deaths were preventable.

Who can participate?

In past years, participants included commercial construction companies of all sizes, residential construction contractors, sub- and independent contractors, highway construction companies, general industry employers, the U.S. Military, other government participants, unions, employer's trade associations, institutes, employee interest organizations, and safety equipment manufacturers.

OSHA is partnering with key groups to assist with this effort, including the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA), OSHA approved State Plans, State consultation programs, the Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR), the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), the National Safety Council, the National Construction Safety Executives (NCSE), the U.S. Air Force, and the OSHA Training Institute (OTI) Education Centers.

If you plan to host a free event that is open to the public, see OSHA's Events page to submit the event details and to contact your OSHA Regional Stand-Down Coordinator.