Your foot is composed of 26 bones that form two crossing arches of the foot. The ankles of your foot are formed by the interaction of the foot and your lower leg. The bones of your foot are held together with ligaments. The foot muscles along with a tissue known as planter fascia provide secondary support. There are also fat pads in the foot to help with weight-bearing and absorbing impact. Experiencing discomfort or pain indicates that something is wrong. How and when that occurs can often help in determining the cause and severity of the condition.

Trauma, disease and injuries are the most likely causes of foot pain. Poor biomechanical alignment and the type of footwear can also cause pain or discomfort. Shoes that fit tight or are tied too tightly can cause pain on the top of the foot. High heels can cause pain around the ball of your foot just below your toes.

Pain and tenderness in a specific area for a prolonged period of time is telltale sign of a possible problem. A few insights into when you feel the pain help identify the problem and finding a possible solution. Is the pain affected by weight bearing, or do you feel it when there is movement of the foot? Does it affect the way you walk?

For assessment of individual symptoms consult a licensed healthcare professional.
