This free, interactive course is designed to help healthcare workers better understand the scope and nature of violence in the workplace. Upon successful completion of the course, healthcare professionals can earn continuing education units.

Course modules include:

  • Definition, types, and prevalence
  • Workplace violence consequences
  • Risk factors for type II and III violence
  • Prevention strategies for organizations
  • Prevention strategies for nurses
  • Post event response

By completing the course, healthcare workers will be able to:

  • Identify institutional, environmental, and policy risk factors for workplace violence
  • Recognize behavioral warning signs of violence in individuals
  • Employ communication and teamwork skills to prevent and manage violence
  • Identify appropriate resources to support injured healthcare workers
  • Take steps to implement a comprehensive workplace violence prevention program

Who can take the course?

Anyone can take the course to learn about violence in healthcare workplace settings, but content is intended for healthcare professionals who want an introduction to workplace violence prevention strategies, including:

  • Registered Nurses
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Physicians Assistants
  • Physicians
  • Veterinarians
  • Health Educators
  • Nursing Students
  • Medical Students

Are there any prerequisites to take the course?

There are no prerequisites to take the course.

How long does it take to complete the course?

Time to complete the course varies by each user. There are 13 modules in the training, and each module takes approximately 15 minutes to complete.

What materials or equipment do I need to take the course?

You need access to a computer with reliable internet, and the browser you use must support Javascript.

How do I get credit for taking the course?

Upon completing the course, you must complete the online posttest and evaluation. Refer to the Instructions for Course Credit below.

How long is the post-test?

The post-test consists of 10 multiple choice questions.

For assistance with registration, completing the course assessment and posttest, transcripts, and printing continuing education certificates, please contact OWCD Training and Continuing Education. OWCD can be reached via:

Online: Training and Continuing Education Online: Help 
Email: Training and continuing Education Online 
Phone: 1-800-41-TRAIN (Monday- Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm ET)
Fax: 404-498-6045
Please email Workplace Violence with any questions regarding this course.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention