Millennnials comprise an enormous percentage of the U.S. workforce – and their numbers and influence will only continue to rise. They bring different perspectives to work (and everything else) than previous generations, which presents both challenges and opportunities to those who manage them. Here’s a look at 2015 articles about Millennials:

How do you engage a job-hopping workforce?

The rally cry of being your sister’s and brother’s keeper is an old saw in the workplace safety world.

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The rise of the young professionals

Earlier this year, Millennials (those age 18 to 34) passed Generation X to become the largest segment of the American labor force. As more Baby Boomers retire, this trend will accelerate. In fact, Deloitte reports that Millennials will comprise a staggering 75% of the global workforce by 2025. 

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A Millennial questions a career in industrial hygiene

Leirah Jordan, a senior at St. Ursula Academy in Toledo, is considering a career in industrial hygiene and she asked to shadow or meet with me to learn about IH from a seasoned professional.

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Do millennials fit into your culture?

Millennials, people born between 1980-2000, are now the largest, most diverse generation in the U.S. population.

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