optrelEquipment Today, the nationally recognized equipment magazine serving commercial construction contractors, has selected the optrel e684 autodarkening welding helmet as one of the favored new construction products of 2015!

The editorial teams from Equipment Today and ForConstructionPros.com compiled product inquiries and web page views from new products featured in Equipment Today over a 12-month period from May 2014 to April 2015. The result is the 2015 Contractors’ Top 50 New Products, a listing of the industry’s favored products. Winning products represent the leading edge of innovation, quality, efficiency and environmental conservation in the construction equipment field today.

The optrel e684 is the only welding helmet with an autodarkening lens that fully automates protection through its Adaptive Shade Autopilot technology, automatically adjusting its shade level as the welder works – and in full high definition viewing. This new level of clarity and automation not only keeps welders better protected, it enables them to perform their job more efficiently, with greater accuracy and precision every time. In addition, the e684’s Twilight ADF Technology restores light more naturally, presenting a smoother transition to the eyes. This exclusive technology reduces eye fatigue on welders who are continuously welding, enabling them to work safer and more comfortably.

“Contractors will find the Contractors’ Top 50 New Products invaluable as they consider purchases necessitated by the obsolescence or aging of existing equipment,” asserted Becky Schultz, Equipment Today editor. “To compete for bids in today’s market, contractors need the types of performance and profit-enhancing features these unique and innovative new products can offer.”

Additional information on award recipients can be found in the September issue of Equipment Today and on the equipment channel of ForConstructionPros.com

About optrel inc.

optrel inc. is the global innovator of auto-darkening filter technology for welding helmets. Focused on worker safety, health, and productivity, optrel helmets and protective shields are used by welders and metalworkers worldwide who rely on smart technology to get the job done. optrel is headquartered in Wattwil, Switzerland, and maintains its North American operations in East Greenwich, Rhode Island. For more information, visit www.optrel.com/usa or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/OptrelUSA.