The 2015 Supplement to the Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices, 7th Edition is now available.

The Supplement contains Documentation for the substances that were on the Notice of Intended Changes for 2014, with their corresponding values and notations, that have been approved and adopted as Threshold Limit Values (TLVs®) and Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs®). A revised copyright page and Table of Contents page (with the new TLVs® incorporated) are also included. The pages of the Supplement are in a three-hole punched format that can be easily inserted into the Documentation binder.

To order the 2015 Supplement, use the following ordering information:

Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices, 7th Edition – 2015 Supplement –Publication #0100DocS15. ISBN: 978-1-607260-82-0. ACGIH® Member Price: $48; Nonmember Price: $60.00 + S/H.

The 2015 Supplement is available free of charge to those buyers who purchased the Documentation during 2015. Please contact our Customer Service Representatives to obtain your copy.

If you purchased the Documentation before 2015, you can place your order online at, by email at, or by calling our Customer Service Representatives at 513-742-2020.

Be the first to own this valuable product and support the TLVs® and BEIs® today!

ACGIH® is a member-based organization that advances occupational and environmental health.  ACGIH® is one of the industry’s leading publications resources, with approximately 400 titles relative to occupational and environmental health and safety, including the renowned TLVs® and BEIs®.  For more information, visit the ACGIH® website at or call our Customer Service Representatives at 513-742-2020.